Excess Ess 1

Security Fest CTF 2018 - Web.

Security Fest CTF 2018 : Excess Ess 1


This is some kind of reverse captcha to tell if the visitor is indeed a robot. Can you complete it ?


In this challenge, the goal is to pop an alert box, knowing that the alert function isn’t referenced anymore.
The trick to use is quite straightforward, create an iframe and use its context and thus alert function.

The goal

Most of the time, to prove that an XSS is possible, the hacker provides a payload that pops an alert. And that’s exactly what we’re asked to do. So we first feed a simple word to see if it’s reflected in the webpage. We do so and see that the keyword is reflected as a variable content in our page.

main page

The next step is to force the page to execute code. I try this using the console.log function after closing the first variable affectation, and commenting what comes afterward. I try (cf the URL), and yup ! It logs 3, so we can execute javascript !

console log

The protection

Next step, we try to use the alert(1) payload to validate the challenge, but : Uh Oh !

alert function

All we have is a prompt. The reason of this behavior is that a script is loaded and executed before our payload. We can fetch its content and we understand that the alert function has been override with the prompt fonction…

override alert
So we don’t have it anymore… How to use it then ?

The bypass

I saw few months ago a youtube video from LiveOverflow. It was about the reverse-engineering of a pop-under javascript module that helps f*ckers to pop annoying ads under your current window, so it takes you more time to realize it and close it.

Many of the functions they wanted to use to pop / place the window under were blacklisted, to they created an iframe (Long story short, a new frame / window in the current window). The creation of the iframe offers a brand new context, rebinds all the main functions to be sure that the site that’ll be loaded in the new iframe will be functionnal. But doing so, we also regain the alert function. We can then either reassign our alert function, or just call it from the iframe ! Isn’t it great ? =D

The Solution

i = document.createElement("iframe");

So the final payload submited was :

solution code

The flag was : sctf{cr0ss_s1te_n0scr1ptinG}


Using a blacklist system is never a good solution, mainly with javascipt / python / SQL / … because there are so many ways to bypass blocked keywords, edit or recreate objects and functions easily, that this kind of sandboxing / protection is definitely not effective enough.

Even is this trick isn’t new to me, I never had to use it before, so it was quite cool to try it by my own and realize that it’s a really easy and fun trick to use ! Later during this CTF, a second version of this challenge has been released, “Excess Ess 2”. I’ve spent few hours on it. We were controling fields in a meta tag, but not the content part. If you’re aware of a way to exploit an XSS in a meta tag, without the content field, without <> to create a new entity, or a way to overwrite the content attribute, please tell me, I’ll be glad to know !

Hope you liked this write up, Have a great day ! ^~^
